Sunday, April 12, 2015

Barclays Premier League Review: Manchester United 4 - Manchester City 2

Don't ask me how the score line went from 0-1 to 4-1. Hats off to Aguero for his milestone. I think we overestimated ourselves going into this game. Apologies for this being extremely short and Twitter-post-esque, but I am not happy right now. This team hasn't beaten anyone convincingly since December. We had such a good opening period, but then we seemingly lost direction. Got caught light-headed. Read some other reviews for more explanation on how this happened.

I couldn't watch the 2-1 defeat to Palace, so apologies for no review. Disappointing result and performance, from what I can hear.

Few specials will hopefully go up during the week. Who knows.

For those kids/workers who need to go face Red Devils on Monday, here's a good one:

"We've beaten you guys 6 times out of the last 7, it's only fair that you guys get a go at winning!"

By Rob Ming

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